Tuesday 17 August 2010

Decision time.

Muji Pens
Geometrical patterns- espcially, the neubau moduls
Childhood memories
Wordplays in Graphic design...I'm sure theres a better word for it....got it ! Typographic Design
sustainable design

So far, these are what I think is good, and worth researching about.......

So, Libraries would be really interesting to do research on, like finding out about the biggest libraries, the most beautiful and crazy libraries!

I love libraries anyhow as I love books. I can spend hours in libraries and not get bored, especially the design section where there are lots of pictures for me to look at.

The only problem is that I'm not going to be able to go to all these libraries I will be finding out about as they will be all over the world....does that matter much as long as I can prove that they are good?

This round room is called the Rotunde, its the main reading hall of the city library in Stockholm

Muji pens are...literally, the best pens in the world. I do use other pens but none seem to write as well and as comfortably as the Muji pens. They are truly GOOD. However, the pens I'm talking about at the moment are just a specific type of Muji pens and I dont know if that would mean that my research would be too....narrow??

I mean how much research can you get into about one type of pen....or may be that is what would be great about researching into this one. How do I make interesting research out of this one? I will have to compare this pen to all the other black pens I can find and find out why it is so good.

This would be a different type of research from my other ideas, it seems limited but perhaps I can find ways to 'un-limit' these limitations??

Geometrical patterns to me are beautiful. I know I've always favored them in my designs but I am interested in them even more now. I came across the book Neubau Modul, as I've mentioned in my previous posts. I still don't know whether its all geometric patterns that i find good or this particular collection of patterns. May be I like them so much more as they are all put into one very beautiful book. bBt in general I think all geometrical patterns are good. They are interested and I would definitely would like to understand them better, then perhaps, choosing this would be a good way for me to do that. At the end of the day, I do think that they are GOOD.

'Childhood memories' is a little different from the other three ideas. The fact that it is not something physical that can be touched or seen makes it a different kind of research. I haven't put that much thought into yet but i mean, it would be pretty interesting right? ( finding out more about why certain childhood memories stand out more than the other, other peoples childhood memories, the psychology of it all?)

but I also have to consider the fact that 'childhood memories' are only good when the memories are good? To those to did not have that much of a childhood or did but not a good one childhood memories would be 'bad' or even non existent.

I will have to be thorough and considerate in my research. Those of us who are lucky enough to have had a childhood, always remember certain events or likes and dislikes as the memory of our childhood.

Going to the cinema for the first time, fighting over a really ugly toy with your sister, believing that your closet is in fact a door way into Narnia,these are all childhood memories. I think that they are good....but i don't quite know why yet and I'm sure that there would be an explanation for it somewhere......now I'm just very curious.

me with a wax doll from my first trip to the Madame Tusaude's. I cried the whole time when my parents took me through the torture section of the museum, I remembered to shut my eyes on the second trip but cried anyway.( I have no idea why my parents would do that to me again)

I wish I could find another picture I had taken next to the wax doll of Arnold Schwarzenegger. I looked absolutely tiny next to him. That was my most favorite wax doll because when I was little, I was obsessed with the actor. I watched all his movies, even predators and terminator...I must have been about 5? weird kid.....

Balance....this is another one of my idea that I have not put much thought into. Well I have put a little bit of thought into it but I don't even know where and how I would start to research this.

I've just always thought that everything is good, when its balanced, not too much, not too little.
Design looks good when its balanced. A building can stay up because there is balance within the construction. but the balance I am talking about is not trying to stand up straight, but i mean the balance of things. Yin and Yang, good and evil, black and white, the golden raito etc etc.

This seems like it could be an infinite research, there is so many things that I could apply this to.

May be the better word wold be Equilibrium? Everything is good, when its just the right amount.
One musician would tighten the strings, and the other would cry, "Not too tight because you will break the string." The other would counter by saying, "Not too loose because the string will only buzz and rattle- in the middle is just right."

Wordplay in Graphic design....this one, I find really hard to define and I don't like that. but the designs themselves, i like.

( editting the post....I got it...Its Typographic Logo Design that I've been looking for !)

clever word plays in Graphic Design and puns are great! ( especially the really awful ones) As mentioned in my previous post, I think its a really great way of getting your message across. Its witty, visually interesting and effective

er.....what exactly to you call these??

When I first thought of these, as I have a couple on my Design Context blog already, I thought they are really 'good' but now, I'm a little bit worried. I still think they're awesome but may be not fit for this project as the other ones? I guess there is no right or wrong and they are interesting but may be not....'good'

I mean the question is ' what is good?' and answering it by saying ' wordplay in Graphic design is good...' seems a little strange, its funny, interesting, clever, creative, but not sure about 'good'

Interesting wordplay logos are good?

ahhhh I dont know, I think they're so clever and creative but I might have to reconsider?

This blog post is getting a bit long but I just want to sum up and put all of my current thoughts about good into one post.

By writing this, I'm helping myself decide on the 5 researches I am going to do. Indecisiveness is a murder.

Sustainable Design.....This one is also tricky.

I'm only just becoming more interested in sustainable, or Eco friendly design. The practice is huge and the industry is complicated and needs to be well researched but I do believe that it is the future of design. Clients are becoming more and more ethically concerned in their products, and therefore, as Graphic design, I need to be looking at the future trends of design. I am also personally becoming more aware of the problems being caused by over consumerism and one of the problems are us . We are the seller of all things, we advertise things people don't need. I make packaging, make people want to buy products, etc.

When we can help, we should help.

However, this is a big issue which I still don't know anything about. I don't know if its just a little too big for a summer research. but I feel like, this would be an important step for me as well in my design career as I feel like this is what I am interested in, so may be I should start now??


Keeping it simple. This sentence is something that you here often, it might feel like a bit of a cliche but i still believe it what it stands for......

The simplest solutions are the best solutions. Why complicate things when the simple solution solves it just the same, if not better??

but i think.....I will leave it at that. for now

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