Wednesday 18 August 2010


Muji pens are good
Childhood memories are good
Geometrical patterns are good
Sustainable design is good
Typographic/Wordplay Logo Design is good

I also really wanted to pick ' Libraries' because I still love them and especially those really old and beautiful ones. However, it was either going to be libraries or wordplay in design. I know in the previous post I was more keen on the libraries idea. I did a little more research into the wordplay idea and I found lots of logo designs which use this technique and they are just so creative and witty and that is the kind of thing I really want to do within my own practice. I got this 'excited' feeling and was really looking forward to learning more about it

Libraries are great yes, but I am limited in terms personal research and primary research. In order to find out about other libraries around the world, my research is limited to books and the internet. I can find out lots more facts about libraries ( eg. the biggest library, the strangest, the architecture, the history etc.) which may be what the brief wanted but it also mentioned that it would be a start to future projects and it will have to be something that I won't get bored with.

I think that there 's chance that I will with this one.

However, the logo design ( I'm still not quite sure what to call it, and I hate that!) I am open to a more variety of research. . I can learn more about the existing field, the terminology ( which I really need to ), existing logo designs.....these would be secondary research- internet, books etc.

.....okay, now thinking about it, the research into this subject may be...just a little harder to find out about....facts wise (unlike the libraries idea)...I will have to figure it out.

but I can also do a lot of primary research by creating ones myself and experimenting with ideas. I still don't know how I'm going to convince the audience that its good but at least I know for a fact that everyone will have a passion for design and I am bound to get a few votes (and I will have done lots of research on it.....)<< says the optimist.

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