Monday 23 August 2010

wise words on Geometry....

"...sane judgement abhors nothing so much as a picture perpetrated with no technical knowledge, although with plenty of care and diligence. Now the sole reason why painters of this sort are not aware of their own error is that they have not learnt Geometry, without which no one can either be or become an absolute artist; but the blame for this should be laid upon their masters, who themselves are ignorant of this art."
Albrecht Dürer-Of the Just Shaping of Letters, 1535

"Geometry is the language of man....he has discovered rhythms, rhythms apparent to the eye and clear in relations with one another. And these rhythms are at the very root of human activities. They resound the man by an organic inevitability, the ame fine inevitability which causes the tracing out of the Golden Section by children, old men, savages and the learned"
Le Corbusier -Towards A New Architecture, 1931

"I am of the opinion that it is possible tp develop an art largely on the basis of mathematical thinking"
Max Bill

"...the proportions of the formal elements and their intermediate spaces are almost always related to certain numerical progression logically followed out."
Josef Muller-Brockman- The Graphic Artist and His Design Problems

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